This thesis has its starting point in an existing computer model of an electricity generating kite, from Heidelberg University. The modelled kite has Continue reading
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Tag: Simulation
Simulation of the Geometry Influence on Curvic Coupled Engagement
The study is performed in order to improve the curvic coupled engagement of a dog clutch situated in the transfer case of a truck. The dog clutch is used to engage the so called Continue reading
Feasibility Study of a Virtualpower Plant for Ludvika
This thesis is a feasibility study of a virtual power plant (VPP) in central Sweden and part of a project with InnoEnergy Instinct and STRI. The VPP consists of a wind park, small hydro plant as well as Continue reading
Charging Cost Optimization of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
The future success of chargeable vehicles will, among other factors, depend on their charging costs and their ability to charge with minimal Continue reading
Assessment of Energy Recovery Technology in China: Mechanical Ventilation System with Energy Recovery
In the wake of the economic growth of the Chinese market the past couple of decades, the energy consumption has surged. One of the biggest consequences of the increased Continue reading
Carbon dioxide in Ice Rink Refrigeration
The average energy consumption of one ice rink is around 1000MWh/year, which approximately 69% is occupied by the refrigeration unit and Continue reading
Fine-grained Simulation in the Design of Automotive Communication Systems
Early in the design cycle, the two main approaches for verifying timing constraints and dimensioning automotive embedded networks are worst-case schedulability analysis and simulation. The first aim of the paper is to demonstrate that both provide Continue reading
Control Rod Effect at Partial SCRAM: Upgrade of Plant Model for Forsmark 2 in BISON After Power Uprate
This study aims to improve the modeling of partial SCRAM in the BISON plant model for the Forsmark 2 nuclear reactor after power uprate. Validation of the BISON model against tests performed from March to May in 2013 have shown that Continue reading
Investigation of New Heat Exchanger Design Performance for Solar Thermal Chemical Heat Pump
The emergence of Thermally Driven Cooling system has received more attention recently due to its ability to utilize low grade heat from engine, incinerator or simple flat plate solar collector which are considered as Continue reading
Modelling and Validation of a Truck Cooling System
In the future, new challenges will occur during the product development in the vehicular industry when emission legislations getting tighter. This will also affect the truck cooling Continue reading
Accuracy of Transient Versus Steady State Forces on a Rudder Operating in a Propeller Slipstream
In computational fluid dynamics (CFD), a transient simulation is in general more costly than computing the steady state of the system, if such a state exists. The velocity field produced by the propeller blades upstream of Continue reading