Polycarbonate (PC) is a tough, transparent engineering thermoplastic. Its impact strength and ability undergo large plastic deformations without shatter make PC an Continue reading
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Polycarbonate (PC) is a tough, transparent engineering thermoplastic. Its impact strength and ability undergo large plastic deformations without shatter make PC an Continue reading
This study is investigating how the effective notch method can be used for fatigue assessment of welded joints. The effective notch method is based on a finite element analysis where the joint is modeled with all Continue reading
To meet electricity demand, electric utilities develop portfolio strategies for generation, transmission, and distributions Continue reading
As a part of a more extensive project of developing a new finishing line at the Bolivian door manufacturer Tecno Carpinteria San Pedro this thesis presents the development process for a Continue reading
Vehicle body structures can have major implications in terms of amplifications of stress magnitudes due to vibrations and ultimately in developing fatigue cracks. A vehicle body structure subjected to major damaging road loads is studied utilizing the Continue reading
Climate change and energy supply limitation are growing concerns. Solving them requires strong implication from our societies and more and more stakeholders and scientists are therefore Continue reading